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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * An internally used DataView for {@link Ext.form.field.ComboBox ComboBox}.
Ext.define('Ext.view.BoundList', {
    extend: 'Ext.view.View',
    alias: 'widget.boundlist',
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.BoundList',
    requires: ['Ext.layout.component.BoundList', 'Ext.toolbar.Paging'],
    mixins: {
        queryable: 'Ext.Queryable'

     * @cfg {Number} [pageSize=0]
     * If greater than `0`, a {@link Ext.toolbar.Paging} is displayed at the bottom of the list and store
     * queries will execute with page {@link Ext.data.Operation#start start} and
     * {@link Ext.data.Operation#limit limit} parameters.
    pageSize: 0,

     * @cfg {String} [displayField=""]
     * The field from the store to show in the view.

     * @property {Ext.toolbar.Paging} pagingToolbar
     * A reference to the PagingToolbar instance in this view. Only populated if {@link #pageSize} is greater
     * than zero and the BoundList has been rendered.

    // private overrides
    baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'boundlist',
    itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'boundlist-item',
    listItemCls: '',
    shadow: false,
    trackOver: true,
    refreshed: 0,

    // This Component is used as a popup, not part of a complex layout. Display data immediately.
    deferInitialRefresh: false,

    componentLayout: 'boundlist',

    childEls: [

    renderTpl: [
        '<div id="{id}-listEl" class="{baseCls}-list-ct ', Ext.dom.Element.unselectableCls, '" style="overflow:auto"></div>',
            'var me=values.$comp, pagingToolbar=me.pagingToolbar;',
            'if (pagingToolbar) {',
                'pagingToolbar.ownerLayout = me.componentLayout;',
                'Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(pagingToolbar.getRenderTree(), out);',
            disableFormats: true

     * @cfg {String/Ext.XTemplate} tpl
     * A String or Ext.XTemplate instance to apply to inner template.
     * {@link Ext.view.BoundList} is used for the dropdown list of {@link Ext.form.field.ComboBox}.
     * To customize the template you can do this:
     *     Ext.create('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', {
     *         fieldLabel   : 'State',
     *         queryMode    : 'local',
     *         displayField : 'text',
     *         valueField   : 'abbr',
     *         store        : Ext.create('StateStore', {
     *             fields : ['abbr', 'text'],
     *             data   : [
     *                 {"abbr":"AL", "name":"Alabama"},
     *                 {"abbr":"AK", "name":"Alaska"},
     *                 {"abbr":"AZ", "name":"Arizona"}
     *                 //...
     *             ]
     *         }),
     *         listConfig : {
     *             tpl : '<tpl for="."><div class="x-boundlist-item">{abbr}</div></tpl>'
     *         }
     *     });
     * Defaults to:
     *     Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
     *         '<ul><tpl for=".">',
     *             '<li role="option" class="' + itemCls + '">' + me.getInnerTpl(me.displayField) + '</li>',
     *         '</tpl></ul>'
     *     );

    initComponent: function() {
        var me = this,
            baseCls = me.baseCls,
            itemCls = me.itemCls;

        me.selectedItemCls = baseCls + '-selected';
        if (me.trackOver) {
            me.overItemCls = baseCls + '-item-over';
        me.itemSelector = "." + itemCls;

        if (me.floating) {
            me.addCls(baseCls + '-floating');

        if (!me.tpl) {
            // should be setting aria-posinset based on entire set of data
            // not filtered set
            me.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
                '<ul class="' + Ext.plainListCls + '"><tpl for=".">',
                    '<li role="option" unselectable="on" class="' + itemCls + '">' + me.getInnerTpl(me.displayField) + '</li>',
        } else if (!me.tpl.isTemplate) {
            me.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(me.tpl);

        if (me.pageSize) {
            me.pagingToolbar = me.createPagingToolbar();


    beforeRender: function() {
        var me = this;


        // If there's a Menu among our ancestors, then add the menu class.
        // This is so that the MenuManager does not see a mousedown in this Component as a document mousedown, outside the Menu
        if (me.up('menu')) {
            me.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'menu');

    getRefOwner: function() {
        return this.pickerField || this.callParent();

    getRefItems: function() {
        return this.pagingToolbar ? [ this.pagingToolbar ] : [];

    createPagingToolbar: function() {
        return Ext.widget('pagingtoolbar', {
            id: this.id + '-paging-toolbar',
            pageSize: this.pageSize,
            store: this.dataSource,
            border: false,
            ownerCt: this,
            ownerLayout: this.getComponentLayout()

    // Do the job of a container layout at this point even though we are not a Container.
    // TODO: Refactor as a Container.
    finishRenderChildren: function () {
        var toolbar = this.pagingToolbar;


        if (toolbar) {

    refresh: function(){
        var me = this,
            tpl = me.tpl,
            toolbar = me.pagingToolbar,
            rendered = me.rendered;

        // Allow access to the context for XTemplate scriptlets
        tpl.field = me.pickerField;
        tpl.store = me.store;
        tpl.field =  tpl.store = null;

        // The view removes the targetEl from the DOM before updating the template
        // Ensure the toolbar goes to the end
        if (rendered && toolbar && toolbar.rendered && !me.preserveScrollOnRefresh) {

        // IE6 strict can sometimes have repaint issues when showing
        // the list from a remote data source
        if (rendered && Ext.isIE6 && Ext.isStrict) {

    bindStore : function(store, initial) {
        var toolbar = this.pagingToolbar;

        if (toolbar) {
            toolbar.bindStore(store, initial);

    getTargetEl: function() {
        return this.listEl || this.el;

     * A method that returns the inner template for displaying items in the list.
     * This method is useful to override when using a more complex display value, for example
     * inserting an icon along with the text.
     * The XTemplate is created with a reference to the owning form field in the `field` property to provide access
     * to context. For example to highlight the currently typed value, the getInnerTpl may be configured into a 
     * ComboBox as part of the {@link Ext.form.field.ComboBox#listConfig listConfig}:
     *    listConfig: {
     *        getInnerTpl: function() {
     *            return '{[values.name.replace(this.field.getRawValue(), "<b>" + this.field.getRawValue() + "</b>")]}';
     *        }
     *    }
     * @param {String} displayField The {@link #displayField} for the BoundList.
     * @return {String} The inner template
    getInnerTpl: function(displayField) {
        return '{' + displayField + '}';

    onDestroy: function() {
        Ext.destroyMembers(this, 'pagingToolbar', 'listEl');